The Purse
The Purse
We aim to empower women financially.

You may find the idea of managing and growing your money a bit daunting. Maybe you’ve tried but the industry jargon continues to put you off. Or perhaps you’re worried you may have left it too late. And besides, no one seems to speak your language.

We’re here to change all that.

Our aim is to inspire you to action, one step at a time.


So how do you get rid of your limiting money beliefs and develop a freedom and ease around money? How do you gain clarity around your financial life and have more to save and invest? How do you grow and protect your money?

Our aim is to provide you with the necessary education and tools so you have what you need to make important financial decisions.


You may be at the start of your career or have a few decades under your belt. Maybe you’re a single mother or you’re married with kids or want a career change.

You may work part-time, be self-employed or you’re an entrepreneur. You might be single or widowed and ready to take on the world.

Or you may have gone through a financial shock such as a divorce, or you’re separated and your circumstances have changed dramatically.

We have to be prepared for whatever life throws our way.


Whether we like it or not, money fuels our life; it fuels our choices. It’s what allows us to have power and agency in our life. When we take control of our financial future we can live life on our terms.
